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Why Single Steps Life Coaching?

Hi, it’s Barbara, Your Life Coach.  Has your life become overwhelming? Are you in transition?  Are you caring for an aging or infirmed loved one?  Are you dealing with difficult family dynamics?  Are you changing careers?  Let me help you deal with the incredible stress that comes along with these and other challenges.

If you have been struggling and trying to “go it alone” know that help is available. I recognize that sometimes you feel isolated and alone.  Sometimes you feel overwhelmed.  Sometimes you feel exhausted.  Sometimes you feel bitter.  Sometimes you feel all of these and then some.  If you are lucky, maybe you have a friend or partner to talk to but that only goes so far.  Let me help by guiding you along life’s difficult journeys.  With a little help and understanding you can become much stronger and perhaps grow to appreciate your new-found strength and resilience.

Don’t let your challenges evolve into a monster that takes over your life.  Call me at Single Steps Life Coaching and let’s get started on the road to a better life.    Remember, “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”!*



* Lao Tzu