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Our Relationship

Dear New Life Coach Client:

Welcome to the magic of coaching! I look forward to working with you.

Please read through this entire document and let me know if you have questions. The last page is the Coaching Agreement. Please fill that out as directed, sign it and fax it back to me prior to our first session. (Coach – add your fax number here.)


The Co-Creative Relationship

The relationship between a coach and client is Co-Creative, meaning that we are equals. I am not a therapist, counselor, or consultant. I am a trained coach using honed communication skills to support you as a thinking partner. Together we create more power for you to effect meaningful change and take dynamic actions towards your goals.


Your Role

  • Please take time before each session to determine what you’d like to take away from the session. This is called the “Client Agenda.” Please email me your agenda and any background information needed 24 hours prior to each session. (Coach – consider creating a session prep questions template for your clients.)
  • Treat our coaching as the valuable investment that it is. Protect your investment by showing up to every session on time and setting an intention to be centered, ready to engage and take meaningful actions.
  • Give me feedback in the moment about your coaching experience.


My Role

  • I will listen closely to you, respond to what I hear and ask questions. If I hear something in your voice or language that sparks an intuitive thought, I’m likely to ask you about it. Often, it is the small moments that bring about big shifts. If I’m not on target, just tell me. I’m not attached to being right.
  • At the end of the session, if you do not set specific actions, you are ready to take, I may make a coach request. I ask clients to stretch themselves, deepen the work done in the sessions by writing, taking some action, resolving relationships or things that feel incomplete. You are always free to negotiate, accept or decline.


Extra Time

Between sessions, if you have questions, a brief update, or want to bounce some ideas around, please contact me by email. If it seems best, I may suggest a brief phone call or to add that as an agenda item for our next session.


Ways You Can Get More From Your Coaching Experience

  • Make our coaching sessions a priority. Come to every call with a specific agenda.
  • Complete what you agree to do in between sessions. Integrate what you learn.
  • Be open-minded. Try new approaches. Experiment.
  • Be willing to change your beliefs and patterns if they do not serve you anymore.



My coaching fees are paid as a retainer. Your card will be charged automatically at the beginning of each month that we agree to work together. You will receive a receipt by email at the time of the charge. Print and keep these for your records. These fees may be tax deductible as a business expense. Please check with your CPA.

  • (Coach – state your fees and how many sessions are included here.)
  • I accept and prefer Visa or MasterCard payments. You may also pay with PayPal or Venmo. If you must pay by check, please send checks for several months in advance. If we discontinue coaching before they are used, the checks will be returned or shredded.
  • Please budget for this investment.
  • I do not accept late payments. Please make certain funds are available. If your credit card expiration date or number changes, please let me know.


Session Procedures

  • Please call me at 413-446-9277 for sessions.
  • If you call in for your session and get my voice mail, please call back after one full minute.
  • Please do not leave a message and wait for me to call you back. I might not receive your message between clients.
  • If you do not call in within 15 minutes of your scheduled session time the session will be lost.


Schedule Changes/Vacation/Business Trips

  • We will set a mutually agreed upon time for our sessions.
  • Please give our call high priority and arrange your schedule to honor our agreed upon time.
  • I require a minimum of 24 hours-notice to reschedule a call. In any case, if you must miss a call, let me know as soon as you are able. If something must change temporarily or permanently, I’ll offer other times, if available.
  • If you forget a session or do not call in, that session will be counted as a completed session under our agreement and will not be rescheduled. However, I will consider emergency situations case-by-case.
  • If you have planned vacations or business trips that will conflict with our sessions, please notify me of these as soon as you have an itinerary and we will discuss when to reschedule. I will do the same with you when I plan trips.


First Call Preparation

Prior to our first call, please read and send back the five welcome packet documents. Also, complete and email your answers to the Session Prep Questions, sent to you as an email template. Keep this template for future sessions.

I’m looking forward to the magic in our coaching relationship!